About six years ago, a huge dream board hung on my wall. And it worried me. Seriously! Every time someone visited me, I had to explain what it is, why is an octagon used for its shape, what kind of desires fulfillment training am I going through. And besides everything else there were desires that I wanted to keep secret.
It was time to change the dream board and begin the search. The Internet offered to try Samsara’s wheel, a success diary, Bagua square, but that wasn’t what I was looking for. And then a friend told me that she has a book of desires. What? The whole book? And then I realized that a solution was found!
Let’s see what the Diary of Desires is and what is it for. If it’s quite simple – this is a notebook in which all desires and dreams are recorded, marked with different colors and the necessary photos are pasted. I can say with confidence that the diary is very convenient. It is hidden from prying eyes, which means that, unlike the dream board, some of your desires will remain a mystery to other people. You can also devote as much space to each desire as you want, you can even draw a whole tree of desires. Well, you can always take a diary with you wherever you go.
If you still do not feel the need to express your desires on paper, then here are 7 reasons to do this:
- An indisputable fact proved by scientists – if your desires are written down, then the chances of their fulfillment are much higher than those who keep everything in mind.
- When all your desires are recorded – you have a feeling that you have “let them go”. Your brain no longer takes the time to remember everything you want. Now he can spend time solving tasks.
- By writing down the desire and devoting time to it, you will most likely concretize it. I.e. instead of the mental “become happier”, you will describe it and divide the non-specific desire into a clear plan: smile more, establish relationships with loved ones, change your wardrobe. You might even draw a Wheel of Life. Indeed, in the diary you can write anything you want! And starting with big desires, we begin to write and small ones.
- I advise you to devote a page to each desire and paint it in detail, paste pictures and identify the most important points. For example, if you want to “devote more time to yourself,” you will need to sign what you will do: take a bath with foam 2 times a week, read books hourly every day, watch, finally, the same wonderful movie and make a face mask ! See the difference? It already looks like a plan.
- Constant viewing. Get yourself a ritual – view this diary every day. Our brain and subconscious mind work perfectly together, so you will not need to remember all your desires (by the way, it is proved that most of the desires we keep in our head only for 1-2 weeks). So constant viewing does not let you forget what you really want, and does not allow you to go into a routine with your head.
- Lack of fear of failure. Let’s face it – often we do not even believe in the fulfillment of desires. With a diary of desires, everything is easier. Having written down the desire and looking at it regularly, you kind of “accustom” your brain. Our brain responds well to constant influence, so the more often you repeat what you want, the more the brain will look for a solution on how to achieve this.
- Thanks to the correct wording, you won’t have questions on how to make a wish. We all know that desires must be made in constituent form, in the present tense, etc. In fact, every coach and psychologist constantly brings more and more new ideas as a desire to be spoken out (to make it look like a spell, obviously). Let me give you an example: suppose you want a new apartment for you. Most likely, in the brain it formed as: “I want my own flat”. Then you begin to formulate the desire correctly: I have a two-room apartment in the city center on the top floor. The apartment has a separate bathroom, dressing room, balcony wider than 2 meters. And further and further, looking at your needs. You must admit that keeping all these correct formulations in your head is not convenient. And then they wrote and corrected, if something is wrong. And the wish diary becomes a great place where you can experiment with goal setting.
These are the basic principles that motivate me to keep a diary of desires constantly! And you know what, they really come true! Even the most unusual! I started a new diary from the New Year. Now all wishes are written in the brand new Moleskine (sinful, but I’m a fan of these notebooks), which I really wanted and immediately understood – here it is, my wish diary! Therefore, when you start your own, remember – you should like it!
It will be necessary to review it as often as possible and then your desires will be realized. And in order to quickly fulfill your financial desires, read the article How to draw up a personal financial plan. It has a few simple steps to achieve financial goals.
Tell me, do you write down your desires?