How to find money for your wishes if your salary is barely enough to pay your primary bills? You always care about the question: how to save money while shopping? It seems to you that all stuff you buy is necessary? Or you are looking for new ways to save […]
Personal Finance
What to do if your car is broken? Or if you got fired? If you are seriously ill and you can’t work? Where to find the money? How to exist? For the most part, in such situations people borrow money on their relatives, friends, banks (advertising of credits is everywhere […]
Do you feel hopeless about money? Have you already tried to create a household budget in the past, but you failed? In this article we will closely examine how to organize family finances to regain control of your life and money. Before working on your Personal Financial Plan (PFP), start […]
Some of my friends have recently asked me if it is easy to make a Personal Financial Plan (PFP), as they do not want to make huge excel tables and enter complex formulas. They do not understand where to invest money, how to increase profit, where to get money for […]