How to find money for your wishes if your salary is barely enough to pay your primary bills? You always care about the question: how to save money while shopping? It seems to you that all stuff you buy is necessary? Or you are looking for new ways to save money?
Unfortunately, marketers do a fabulous job and they are able to convince us that this is exactly a thing we need. But there is a solution! You just need to make all purchases consciously!
I have a great game for you. It’s very simple, but it helps to save money easily! Your budget will be shocked to know how much money you saved!
Your task for a month is to buy everything according to a list created in advance!
Get up in the morning, check your plans for the day and write down consciously all future expenses with estimated prices. Create your daily shopping list. It can be whatever you need: food, gifts, transport expenses, utility bills. Use an electronic agenda, an application or a notebook: whatever is better for you. Create a list and strictly follow it while making purchases.

automatically configure repetitive tasks.
What if in the store there is an excellent product at a very attractive price, but it’s not on your list? Let’s take the example of condensed milk on promo.
- Will this promo be valid tomorrow? If so, don’t buy a product today and come back to buy it tomorrow. If not, move on to the next question.
- Will you be able to come back to this store within a month to buy condensed milk (if you really need it)? If so, don’t buy it now. If not, move on to the next question.
- Will anyone die if you don’t buy this product? If so, saving a family budget is inappropriate in this case, because you are in do-or-die situation. Grab this condensed milk and rush home! But if not, go out of the store.

This task is easy, because you don’t need to save money. Its goal is to let you understand a level of consciousness for a purchase that you plan to make. If you come to the store and take products and other stuff at random, you WILL ALWAYS BELIEVE THAT YOU NEED THIS STUFF. But it’s not the case.
Just start the experiment, invite your friends and relatives, make a challenge and take it like a funny game! Then in a month count how much money you saved in your budget. And reward the winner with a big bar of chocolate. Just be sure to add it on your list in advance
Well, if you are ready to move forward and realize your financial goals, take a look at how to create a family budget and fulfil any goal you have, no matter how much it costs!